ISACA and Blacks in Technology Partner to Bring Emerging Tech Training to Underserved Communities in Atlanta

Author: ISACA
发表日期: 14 August 2023

通过这次合作, students will receive mentorship 职业发展 opportunities to bridge the digital divide

亚特兰大,佐治亚州,美国—Learners in Atlanta will be able to prepare for emerging tech careers through the 数字信任-劳动力包容计划(DT-WIP) from ISACA and itsISACA Foundation, in partnership with Blacks in Technology.

通过这次合作, ISACA will provide in-person instruction to 25 learners using the 新兴技术认证(CET) certification coursework, as well as offer mentorship 职业发展 opportunities. City of Refuge will host the classes in its space and provide lunches to the students on Saturdays, and Inspiredu will outfit the group with laptops to use throughout the program. The president of the Blacks in Technology (BIT) Atlanta Chapter will be teaching the courses, and ISACA’s People and Culture team will be providing students with a job fair and professional development sessions on resume writing and interviewing skills.

亚特兰大BIT之间的合作, ISACA and the ISACA Foundation underscores a shared commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion, 以及公平获得技术教育和认证的机会. 通过弥合数字鸿沟, this collaboration seeks to empower individuals from underserved communities in Atlanta with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in emerging technology fields.

“We believe that diversity and inclusion are the cornerstones of innovation,梅洛尼说, 北京理工大学亚特兰大分会主席兼大学英语考试讲师. “This partnership embodies our collective commitment to creating a level playing field, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive and excel in the technology industry.”

This collaboration aims to enable underserved communities to thrive in the rapidly evolving technology landscape by earning CET certifications. BIT有超过27个,000 members, 在27个国家有70多个分会,而且还在增加, 也是世界上最大的黑人技术人员组织. BIT Atlanta is the largest BIT chapter within North America, with over 2,000 members.

The CET certification allows for mastery of key emerging technologies with courses including ISACA’s 云基础, 区块链基础, Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals and 人工智能 (AI) Fundamentals certificates. These help demonstrate knowledge to potential future employers and open up new career pathways.

数字信任角色, 是否在审核, 网络安全或其他领域, contribute to driving digital transformation forward and building confidence in the integrity of key elements of organizations’ digital ecosystems,Ajay Barot说, ISACA总参谋长. “Enterprises across all industries need qualified professionals to fill these essential jobs, and we are committed to preparing the workforce of the future by providing them with education, 证书和一个支持的澳门赌场官方下载.”

Additionally, the ISACA Foundation will offer continuing education stipends for participants to continue to enhance their learning, providing participants no-cost ISACA student membership and resources that will support their trajectories through training, placement, 职业发展.

This project aligns to the mission of ISACA’s academic and workforce development arm to drive impact in communities and support the next generation of learners who are looking to reskill/upskill, 以及ISACA基金会的多样性, equity and inclusion-focused mission to provide underrepresented learners from both youth and adult communities a pathway to enter the IT workforce. Recent ISACA workforce development programs include ones created in collaboration with the Caterpillar Foundation that reached underserved populations in select cities in the U.S. and in Brazil, preparing hundreds of students for in-demand careers in digital trust fields.

“There are systemic barriers that can keep people from accessing paths to digital trust roles, 特别是那些来自服务不足澳门赌场官方下载的人,克洛伊·米勒说。, ISACA基金会项目经理. “We believe that everyone deserves the chance to pursue these career opportunities, and that having a diverse and inclusive workforce from a range of backgrounds in these professions only makes those teams and organizations stronger.”

If interested in learning more or participating in this program, visit 如果你想支持或捐赠,请访问 #捐赠.

To learn more about ISACA’s partnerships and efforts in workforce development, visit 欲了解更多关于ISACA基金会的信息,请访问


ISACA® ( is a global community advancing individuals and organizations in their pursuit of digital trust. 50多年了, ISACA为个人和澳门赌场官方下载提供了相关知识, credentials, education, 培训和澳门赌场官方下载发展他们的事业, 改变他们的组织, 建立一个更可信、更有道德的数字世界. ISACA is a global professional association and learning organization that leverages the expertise of its more than 170,000 members who work in digital trust fields such as 信息安全, governance, assurance, risk, 隐私和质量. 它在188个国家设有分支机构,在全球设有225个分会. 通过其基金会One In Tech, ISACA supports IT education and career pathways for underresourced and underrepresented populations.



Blacks in Technology Foundation (BIT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the representation and inclusion of Black professionals in the technology industry. BIT旨在提供资源, support, and opportunities for individuals of African Descent to thrive and succeed in the tech sector.

Media Contacts
Emily Ayala, +1.847.385.7223
